This paper is based on a larger MA thesis that explores the collective identities of Muslims in Canada, and how their experiences as a religious minority have shaped their collective identity. It also explores attitudes of ‘otherment’, out-group suspicion and how disenfranchisement among certain individuals may result in a distortion of the Islamic religion. For...Read More
This paper examines the ground between historical reality and Western imagination regarding the Balkans by focusing on Balkan identity as conflicted between East and West, and explores the extent to which Balkan scholarship as ‘Orientalised ’the region, where upon the Balkan nation-states began to disassociate themselves from the Balkan label to appear more ‘European.’ The...Read More
The aim of this article is to propose an alternative methodological approach that would serve well the constructivists purpose. By embracing interdisciplinary views of Islam, accounting, and anthropology, and by presenting the dialectics of Western anthropology vis a vis Islamic anthropology, we introduce Islamic accounting anthropology. As a religious-constructivist or religious-critical approach, this methodology would...Read More
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