Political Sciences Review Essay: What’s in a Movement? Competing Narratives on Transnational… IslamPortal Jun 20, 2020 0 What makes the ideas of an Islamic scholar from the heartland of eastern Anatoliarelevant to more than 150 countries across the!-->…
Groups and Denominations Book Review:Global Salafism: Islam’s New Religious Movement IslamPortal Jun 16, 2020 0 Roel Meijer’s edited Global Salafism: Islam’s New Religious Movement, oneof the first collected works to broadly analyze!-->…
Area Studies Book Review: Gender and Islam in Southeast Asia: Women’s Rights Movements,… IslamPortal Jun 14, 2020 0 Emerging from a 2005 conference at the University of Passau (Germany),Susanne Schroter’s edited volume brings together an!-->…
Groups and Denominations BOOK REVIEW: Towards an Islamic Enlightenment: The gülen Movement IslamPortal Jun 13, 2020 0 M. Hakan Yavuz was one of the early contributors to the literature on the Gülen movement, co-editing a major volume on the!-->…
Political Sciences Discussing Islamic Revivalism Movement and Confucianism’s Revival IslamPortal May 6, 2020 0 Nowadays, people focus more attention upon Islamic revivalism movement. Meanwhile, some people also pay more attention to the!-->…