Islamic Studies Inheritance Law for Women: Islamic Feminism and Social Justice IslamPortal Jun 23, 2020 0 The deficient of females’ portion compared to males’ portion in the distribution of inheritance has always become an issue,!-->…
Humanities Book Review: The Sharī‘a and Islamic Criminal Justice in Time of war and… IslamPortal Jun 19, 2020 0 Mahmoud Cherif Bassiouni is a distinguished human rights advocate with anastounding career and publication record that exceeds!-->…
Humanities Book Review: Gender and Equality in Muslim Family Law, Justice, and Ethics… IslamPortal Jun 17, 2020 0 In the aftermath of the Arab Spring, some advocated a turn toward “tradition,”thereby raising fears that women would be pushed!-->…
Area Studies Justice and journalism: Islam and journalistic values in Indonesia and… IslamPortal Feb 11, 2020 0 As the Global War on Terror has prompted new interest in Islam in Southeast Asia, western governments have scrambled to engage!-->…