
In the aftermath of the Arab Spring, some advocated a turn toward “tradition,”thereby raising fears that women would be pushed out of the public arena despitetheir active participation and would even lose those gains made underprevious governments. The debates around gender parity vs. complementaritythat were stirred up were not new, but they did manage to...
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The paper is an attempt to explicate and nuance the Islamic perspective of environmental ethics which is divinely guided and recognized in essence. Today humanity is facing one of the sever problems of environmental degradation done partly by human greedy nature and partly by abandoning the religious aspect of environment. Man’s pursuance of science and...
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Today, along with globalization phenomenon, despite of pluralistic cultures, some cultural elements are being extended. The dominant culture in multimedia constantly bombards all communities with impurity and immodesty. Also, day to day under these conditions, Voyeurism phenomenon which is the most commonly associated with sexual perversion has become a mainstream pastime. So, it is needed...
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The general purpose of this study is to examine and discuss the philosophical basis of the Islamic and Western secular viewpoints as presented on bioethical issues. My goal is to demonstrate the importance of considering ethical values when dealing with medical practice. This work, therefore, studies the broad outlines of Islamic legal philosophy by comparing...
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