Cultural and Ethnic Studies Global Culture or Cultural Clash: An Islamic Intercultural Communication… IslamPortal Apr 13, 2020 0 Central within the current debate on the impact of the information and communication technologies are the theories of the!-->…
Cultural and Ethnic Studies Arabic Language, Culture, and Communication IslamPortal Apr 11, 2020 0 One's language strongly participates in forming one's culture and communication patterns. Arabic language itself led the!-->…
Area Studies CIVILIZATION RELATIONSHIP OF ISLAM, WEST AND EUROPE: Potential Civilization… IslamPortal Apr 11, 2020 0 If Western civilization is synonymous with the United States of America (USA), the Islamic civilization necessarily identical to!-->…
Humanities The Qur’an: God and Man in Communication IslamPortal Apr 11, 2020 0 This is one of the greatest moments in my entire life. Words can hardly express how I feel, neither can they reveal what I want!-->…