Political Sciences Book Review: Islam in the Balance: Ideational Threats in Arab Politics IslamPortal Jun 20, 2020 0 This concise and important book deals with the dimensional change in internationalconflicts and security pertaining to the power!-->…
Area Studies Book Review: Taking to the Streets: The Transformation of Arab Activism IslamPortal Jun 17, 2020 0 This edited volume consists of ten case studies framed by an introductionwritten by the two editors and a postscript written by!-->…
Area Studies Education during the Arab Renaissance and Its Path to the West IslamPortal Jun 12, 2020 0 Islam was at the origin of schools, during the Umayyad and Abbasid periods, as every Moslem had to know how to read the Koran.!-->…
Area Studies ISLAMIC WOMEN’S ACTIVISM IN THE ARAB WORLD IslamPortal Feb 26, 2020 0 Islamic women’s activism may appear a contradiction in terms to many Western audiences accustomed to presentations of Islam as!-->…