Area Studies The African Roots and Transnational Nature of Islam IslamPortal Jun 23, 2020 0 Most works dealing with Islam and Africa trace the roots of their connection to the first Hijra when two groups totaling more!-->…
Area Studies Book Review: The Walking Qur’an: Islamic Education, Embodied Knowledge, and… IslamPortal Jun 18, 2020 0 With the introduction of new educational systems in the Muslim world duringthe late-eighteenth through the early-twentieth!-->…
Area Studies Teaching about Islam in Africa: A Cultural-Functional Perspective IslamPortal Jun 16, 2020 0 Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century focusedon this question in its report to the premier United Nations agencyin!-->…
Social Sciences BOOK REVIEW: Educating Muslim Women: The West African Legacy of Nana Asma’u… IslamPortal Jun 13, 2020 0 Educating Muslim Women is a unique study of Muslim women told through the story of Nana Asma’u, a nineteenth-century Fulani woman!-->…
Education Traditional Islamic Education in Asia and Africa: A Comparative Study of… IslamPortal May 4, 2020 0 The Muslim world has witnessed the emergence of several Islamic-based institutes and universities in the last three decades, in!-->…