Groups and Denominations The Central Pillars of Sunni Political Thought IslamPortal Jun 22, 2020 0 This article argues that similar to the centrality of the concept of sovereignty in Western social, legal, and political…
Humanities Discussion over Theological and Political Foundations of Caliphate in Islam IslamPortal Jun 22, 2020 0 The institution of the Caliphate in Islam has an honourable place among Muslims therefore it has been discussed by many scholars…
Islamic Studies Checks and Balances Mechanism in Islamic Constitutionalism: A Critical… IslamPortal Jun 22, 2020 0 This article examines the issue of mechanism of controlling the power balance amongst three arms of the government (separation of…
Islamic Countries The Entanglement of Religion, Politics and ‘Asabiyah in Modern Afghanistan IslamPortal Jun 22, 2020 0 Religion and politics have always been entangled in Afghanistan. However, the relationship between ‘asabiyah (group feeling) and…
Area Studies TheLife of Abū Manṣūr Al-Māturīdī and the Socio-Political and Theological… IslamPortal Jun 22, 2020 0 Abū Manṣūr al-Māturīdi is one of the most influential theologians in the Muslim World. He emerged in the tenth century in Central…
Political Sciences Corporate Governance: An Islamic Institution Perspective IslamPortal Jun 22, 2020 0 This takes the paper into a discussion of some of the most crucial aspects of corporate governance, including its objectives,…
Islamic Studies Sayyid Mawdudi’s Contribution towards Islamic Revivalismin the… IslamPortal Jun 22, 2020 0 This paper discussed the role and ideas of Sheikh Mawdudi in religion and politics in India and later Pakistan, Lahore. It is…
Political Sciences Book Review: Islam in the Balance: Ideational Threats in Arab Politics IslamPortal Jun 20, 2020 0 This concise and important book deals with the dimensional change in internationalconflicts and security pertaining to the power…
Humanities Book Review: Martyrdom in Modern Islam: Piety, Power, and Politics IslamPortal Jun 20, 2020 0 Meir Hatina, associate professor of Islamic and Middle Eastern studies anddirector of the Levtzion Center for Islamic studies at…
Area Studies Book Review: The Middle East and Brazil: Perspectives on the New Global… IslamPortal Jun 20, 2020 0 The title at hand is a valuable and timely edited volume that sheds light onthe economic, political, literary, social, cultural,…
Political Sciences Review Essay: What’s in a Movement? Competing Narratives on Transnational… IslamPortal Jun 20, 2020 0 What makes the ideas of an Islamic scholar from the heartland of eastern Anatoliarelevant to more than 150 countries across the…
Political Sciences Revisiting Fanaticism in the Context of Wasaṭīyyah IslamPortal Jun 20, 2020 0 Fanaticism is derived from the Latin word fanum, which refers to sacred placesof worship such as temples or other consecrated…
Humanities Book Review: The young Turks and the Ottoman Nationalities: Armenians,… IslamPortal Jun 19, 2020 0 This volume, short and rich in primary source material, focuses on the relationshipbetween the Ottoman central government…
Political Sciences Book Review: Sayyid Qutb: The Life and Legacy of a Radical Islamic… IslamPortal Jun 19, 2020 0 Sayyid Qutb’s influence upon radical Islamic movements during the secondhalf of the twentieth century is undeniable and has long…
Humanities Book Review: The Covenants of the Prophet Muhammad with the Christians of… IslamPortal Jun 19, 2020 0 With painstaking effort and much dedication invested in this groundbreakingwork, John Andrew Morrow will surely manage to attract…
Political Sciences Un-Islamic or Non-Muslim: The Identity of Violent Extremist Elements among… IslamPortal Jun 19, 2020 0 This editorial analyzes the phenomenon of violent extremism and its identificationand association with Islam by analysts and…
Humanities Book Review: The language of Secular Islam: Urdu Nationalism and Colonial… IslamPortal Jun 18, 2020 0 In her study of Urdu language politics in late colonial India, Kavita SaraswathiDatla traces the rise and eventual demise of an…
Political Sciences Book Review: Islam and the Theory of Statecraft IslamPortal Jun 18, 2020 0 Everyone seems to be interested in Islamic political thought these days, nodoubt as a result of the rise and fall of…
Humanities Book Review: The Reckoning of Pluralism: Political Belonging and the… IslamPortal Jun 17, 2020 0 At the time Tambar wrote The Reckoning of Pluralism, there was a briefopening in Turkish political life during which ethnic and…
Humanities Book Review: The Future of the Arab Spring: Civic Entrepreneurship in… IslamPortal Jun 17, 2020 0 The Arab Spring, which began in December 2010, mobilized the Arab massesto depose once-uncontestable autocratic rulers. Many…