Political Sciences Book Review: Minhaz Merchant, The New Clash of Civilizations, Rupa… IslamPortal May 8, 2020 0 Source: World Journal of Islamic History and Civilization Click here to read more.
Area Studies Middle East Studies in Taiwan since 1957 IslamPortal May 8, 2020 0 Taiwan’s Middle East Studies discipline was founded by Taipei’s Republic of China (ROC) government in National Chengchi!-->…
Humanities The Political Role of the Alawis in Time of the Caliph Haroon AL-Rasheed… IslamPortal May 8, 2020 0 This study aims at arising the political role of the Alawisin the reign of the Caliph, Haroon AL-Rasheed170-193H./786-808AD,!-->…
Islamic Countries Corporate Governance Model For Waqf Institution in Uganda IslamPortal May 8, 2020 0 Recently, there are attempts in many Muslim countries for reforming the administration of Waqf institutions by separating the!-->…
Humanities A Day in the Mind of the Malê: Ecopoesy of Muslim Slaves and Free Persons… IslamPortal May 8, 2020 0 This paper utilizes an interdisciplinary approach---combining history, anthropology, sociology and gender studies---to!-->…
Anthropology A Brief Introduction of History and Religious Beliefs of Ancient City… IslamPortal May 8, 2020 0 The ancient Gaochang’s four different periods of history was told and then in every historical stage of religious belief!-->…
Education An Assessment of the Islamization of Knowledge Process in Nigeria IslamPortal May 8, 2020 0 This study aims to examine the Islamization of Knowledge (IoK) process in Nigeria. It evaluates groups and individuals attempt!-->…
Groups and Denominations Pious Approach to Development: Social Capital And Pertubuhan Jamaah Islah… IslamPortal May 8, 2020 0 : Culture, religion, social networks and family institutions are proposed by some researchers to have their significant role in!-->…
Area Studies Islamophobia, the First Crusade and the Expansion of Christendom to Islamic… IslamPortal May 8, 2020 0 The impact of the First Crusade proclaimed by Pope Urban II in 1095 during his sermon at Clermont, France goes beyond the!-->…
Education j-QAF Programme: An Effort Towards Strengthening the Islamic Education in… IslamPortal May 8, 2020 0 The implementation of j-QAF programme in thenational schools in Malaysia has already completed its first round. The j-QAF model!-->…
Education Foundations of Modern Muslim Education in Nigeria: Reflections on the… IslamPortal May 8, 2020 0 The essence of man’s progress is hinged on the resources of his history which he utilises in combating diverse challenges. The!-->…
Psychology Terrorism Accusation as a Phase in Conflict of Civilizations: A Reading of… IslamPortal May 8, 2020 0 Throughout all stages relations between Islam and the Christian world has been dominated by specific stereotypes of each other.!-->…
Education Self-regulated Learning Strategies in Islamic Education IslamPortal May 8, 2020 0 This paper explains the concept of self-regulated learning strategies and the explanation of the concepts as exemplified in!-->…
Education Reflections on Architecture Design Education in Khartoum: Understanding the… IslamPortal May 8, 2020 0 : A growing dissatisfaction with design failures in architecture design studio appears to be the main concern of researchers and!-->…
Groups and Denominations A Study of Da’wah Activities of Late Shaykh Musa Ibrahim Ajagbemokeferi in… IslamPortal May 8, 2020 0 This study seeks to study the da’wah activities of Shaykh Musa Ibrahim Ajagbemokeferi so as to highlight his roles and his!-->…
Islamic Countries To What Extent Diplomats Influence Foreign Policy? Tony Blair’s Foreign… IslamPortal May 8, 2020 0 To what extent diplomats can influence foreign policy of a country? To what extent a diplomat can be influenced by external!-->…
Education A Review of Stefan Reichmuth, Islamische bildung Und soziale Integration in… IslamPortal May 7, 2020 0 Source: World Journal of Islamic History and Civilization Click here to read more.
Area Studies The Exploitation of Women in Northern Africa: The Case of Morocco IslamPortal May 7, 2020 0 In this article, we propose to carry out, first, an analysis of the effects the Family Code, or al-mudawwana, has on social!-->…
Humanities Slavery and Criminal Law in Some Modern Islamic Countries: A Survey IslamPortal May 7, 2020 0 Source: World Journal of Islamic History and Civilization Click here to read more.
Humanities The Royal Decree (Philip Ii, 1573) on Slavery of Morisco Men, Women and… IslamPortal May 7, 2020 0 The Royal Decree allowing Morisco slavery was issued by King Philip II in 1573, following the defeat of Morisco rebels in the!-->…