
Social Sciences
The financial transactions are among the major dealings introduced by the Islamic law or ( shari’a), presented with strong rules and laws and deeply rooted principles to establish justice, bringing forth prosperity and righteousness for all human being..Therefore, Islamic shari’a compliant financing banks have been established in Muslim countries, committing themselves to avoid usury and...
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Hibah is an instrument in Islamic laws dealing with the voluntary transfer of property (tabarru’). Islamic scholars have reached consensus that in the act oftransfer of property,hibah requires offer (ijab) from the donor and acceptance (qabul)of offer from the grantee to ratify the transfer of property(Mawhub) to the grantee. The fuqaha’ hold two contrary views...
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Background: Unsafe sexual behavior among adolescents is due to lack of knowledge and understanding of adolescents on reproductive health. Islam teaches parents obliged to educate and illustrate the various matters relating to reproductive health, but parents still consider explanations about reproductive health in adolescents is a ‘taboo’ and embarrassing. Purpose: This study aimed to explore...
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Indonesia is rich with religious traditions, and the people show their various religious attitudes to respond their problems in unique ways based on factors, such as education backgrounds, family, customs, and religious environment. When Islam entered Indonesia, adherents of various religions did not notice their difference, nor do they accentuate their identityies. Difference is not...
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