During the mid 1950s, Elias Canetti visited one of the African countries, Morocco, and spent some weeks in Marrakesh. Here, he recorded his visit in a short book, The Voices of Marrakesh, in which he tried systematically to give a unique and sufficient look or description of the city. In a series of vivid scenes...Read More
In Malaysia to be a problem in adhan inconsistencies when different versions of the muezzin’s call to prayer is played by major mosques, particularly in the state. This problem has been going on for so long and it lasted until today. This inconsistency reflects the inherent inability and weakness of the muezzin was in control...Read More
Since Indonesian reformation era, west sumateran society (Minang) echoed the emergence of slogan ‘back to the surau’ to bring back Islamic educational institution. Surau is the mosques dubbed by west sumateran society that has the function not only as the worshipping place but also as the center of community education. Law Number 22 of 1999...Read More
This article aims to introduce the life and contribution of Sa‘īdNursī in reviving the belief and practice of Islam among Muslim society in Turkey. Throughout his life, Sa‘īdNursīencountered a number of challenges, notably ignorance, misconception and negligence about Islam as a result of secularism which became apparent in modern societyin Turkey in particular and accordingly...Read More
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