Islamic banking and Muslim products have high demands not only among Muslimsbut also the non-Muslims worldwide including Malaysia. In general, Muslimconsumers present a strong voice that the globalised world of business is payingmore attention to, but has yet to be fully understood on how to deal with themarket. To understand the global market challenges, it...Read More
Malaysia is a multicultural society with Malays, Chinese ,and Indian living side byside in peace. Although the Malaysia’s identification with race remains strong,however, a powerful sense of being Malaysian prevail among the population. Thispaper will examines Islamic point of view on the participation of Muslim politicalparties in the coalition government consisting of political partners with...Read More
The present article was an attempt to investigate the comparative relationship between spiral forms in Sufi spiral dance (Sama: the Arabic word Raqs) which takes its name from the order of the whirling dervishes in Konya where Mawlawī (Rumi) used to practice it with his disciples and Persian Islamic paintings. To do so, the quality...Read More
This study investigates the new power balances in Turkey’s new state spaces by looking at the new alignments that have been confronting the historically constituted secular capitalists. Through the emergence of Anatolian Tigers and the institutional/organizational capacity they have been engendering, this study aims to assess the extent to which Turkish business climate is inflicted...Read More
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