
Islamic Countries
Teaching Arabs, Writing Self traces Evelyn Shakir’s evolution from a buddingstudent of canon English literature who was desperately trying to “becomewhite” to her epiphany that stories from her own working-class immigrantneighborhood might be of equal worth. There, she found her unique niche bybecoming an author and scholar of Arab-American literature who helped gainrecognition for this...
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This volume, short and rich in primary source material, focuses on the relationshipbetween the Ottoman central government (Istanbul) and the empire’svarious nationalities during the fateful 1908-18 period. Istanbul’s struggle toaddress enormous political and military challenges, European involvement,and the rise of nationalism and ethnic/religious resentments are duly covered.The book is well organized with a dedicated section...
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A succinct and accessible book, with many chapters that can stand alone asreadings for undergraduate or graduate classes, Media Framing of the MuslimWorld: Conflicts, Crises, and Contexts is a welcome addition to the literatureon Muslims and the media. The authors build on three key concepts: the ideathat the media should function, but often does not,...
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When the term Ottoman architecture is used, the immediate image that comesto mind is that of the multitudes of mosque and religious buildings in Turkeyand the Ottoman Empire. One with a more in-depth knowledge of this fieldmay think of the prolific architect Sinan (d. 1588) and his hundreds of purpose-built works. However, this is not...
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