The subject of Islamic geometric design has been described in numerous ways:Keith Critchlow’s Islamic Patterns and Syed Jan Abbas and Amer ShakerSalman’s Symmetries of Islamic Geometrical Patterns, both highly esotericinterpretations; Owen Jones’ Grammar of Ornament, Emile Prisse d’Avennes’L’Art arabe d’apres les monuments du Kaire, and Jules Bourgoin’s ArabicGeometrical Pattern and Design, all descriptions of drawing...Read More
This paper discusses my innovative alterations and my Islamizationof Wolpe’s systematic desensitization therapy applied during 1965to treat a Moroccan patient. I have used this technique for the lastfifty years; however, this is the first time I have described it in fulldetail. My main modifications were to (1) ask the patient to speakout loudly when detailing...Read More
The Arab Spring, which began in December 2010, mobilized the Arab massesto depose once-uncontestable autocratic rulers. Many observers predicted thatthis regional uprising would move the Arab world from autocracy to democracyin no time. However, the present scenario speaks to the contrary. Althoughmany are struggling to understand its long-term effects, one thing iscertain: This ongoing event...Read More
Technology improves exponentially every second and becomes more complex beyond our grasp. Without we realize, everything about ourselves can be found on the internet from mundane things such as our food preferences to private matters such as saving accounts. To manage these information, an artificial intelligence system is required to safeguard, validate and even facilitate...Read More
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