
Dialogue of life is a form of inter-religious dialogue which commonly takes place at any place and any time. It is a dialogical relation to promote amicable relation with people from different religions. It begins when one encounters, lives and interacts with the others and participates in daily life activities together. It is a social...
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My Life, My Decision is a two-year programme funded by the Big Lottery Silver Dreams Fund. It is a partnership between Compassion in Dying and seven local Age UKs across England. The project provides face-to-face volunteer support to people aged over 50 to plan ahead for their future treatment and care. It also raises awareness...
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Crime. Poverty. Social deterioration. Political corruption. Racism. Apathy. These words evoke an all too familiar vision that characterizes our homes, our communities, our countries, and the world at large. Philosophers, Sociologists, Politicians, and ordinary citizens have aspired to devise viable solutions to these modern ailments; however, contradictory to the desired outcome of these efforts, the...
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This report seeks to bring together in one document many different aspects relating to elderly and end of life care, with an emphasis on facts and evidence. It records what the elderly, carers and health professionals have to say, and also outlines the statutory responsibilities of public bodies. It seeks to convey the guiding religious...
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