This article aims to introduce the life and contribution of Sa‘īdNursī in reviving the belief and practice of Islam among Muslim society in Turkey. Throughout his life, Sa‘īdNursīencountered a number of challenges, notably ignorance, misconception and negligence about Islam as a result of secularism which became apparent in modern societyin Turkey in particular and accordingly...Read More
Sufi believes that the Qur’an has exoteric and esoteric meanings. He tries to renounce the exoteric meaning of the Qur’anin order to perceive the esoteric meaning. Abd al-Razzaq Kashani is one of those interpreters who, in mystical interpretation, goes beyond the exoteric meaning of the verses of the Qur’an and interprets the verses esoterically (Ta’wil)...Read More
Sufism, or Islamic mysticism, often presented an inclusive version of faith that extended beyond the strict worldview of medieval jurists. In this sense, the acceptance of diversity of paths to God is a crucial feature of many Sufi doctrines. This paper attempts to look at Ibn ‘Arabi’s approach towards the diversity of religious traditions and...Read More
Sheikh Shihab ed-Din lived during the Ayyubid period (1187-1250 A.D.). When he died, followed by his two sons, the three of them were buried close to each other at a site known by Saffa residents as ed-Deir and/or Shihab ed-Din. The sacred place of the Sheikh, now recognized as an archaeological site, covers an area...Read More
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