Islamic Studies Structure of the Holy Qur’ān IslamPortal Jun 23, 2020 0 The word sūr’ah is used for different chapters of the Holy Qur’ān. There is difference among the Arab and Scholars of language…
Islamic Studies Inflectional Deviation of Number in the Qur’an IslamPortal Jun 23, 2020 0 Inflectional morphology has its own rules that govern the combinations ofmorphemes in words and the relationships between parts…
Humanities Similarity in the Philosophy of Worship in Torah and Quran IslamPortal Jun 23, 2020 0 The concepts of individual and collective worship are common in the Torah andQuran. They are not empty rituals but a source of…
Humanities Essence of Peaceful Coexistence in the Light of Holy Qur’an IslamPortal Jun 23, 2020 0 Holy Qur'an as a divine book, includes at its core, significant training for guiding thehuman being. It is an absolute…
Islamic Studies The First Message of Qur’an and the Last Messenger: Transforming the Savage… IslamPortal Jun 23, 2020 0 Religion is a matter of faith. Faith in one unseen, invisible, and omnipotent God orit many be a faith in many gods and goddesses…
Islamic Studies Investigating Synonymy in Quran; a Case Study of the Word Barakat… IslamPortal Jun 23, 2020 0 Synonymy is one of the issues which has application in the discussions of "Fiquh"principles, Ration, "Fiquh-allogha" and…
Humanities The Relationship between the Prophet Muhammad and the Quran IslamPortal Jun 23, 2020 0 The Prophet Muhammad and the Qur’an have a strong relationship, including manyfeatures. It establishes that the Qur’an is…
Education Effects of Memorizing Quran by Heart (Hifz) On Later Academic Achievement IslamPortal Jun 23, 2020 0 Current study was conducted to investigate the effects of memorizing Quran (Hifz) in relation to academic achievement and…
Islamic Studies Denise A. Spellberg, Thomas Jefferson’s Qur’an: Islam and the Founders. New… IslamPortal Jun 23, 2020 0 The Holy Books are sacred texts that God sent down to His prophets who were commanded to use them as guides for human beings. The…
Islamic Studies Impact and Challenges of Qur’anic Recitation Competition in the Federal… IslamPortal Jun 23, 2020 0 There is no denying the fact that the Qur’anic recitation competition as a medium for the development of Qur’anic sciences has…
Islamic Countries Modular Construction Shouts AdhanQari Based Egyptian Quran Reciter Mosque… IslamPortal Jun 23, 2020 0 In Malaysia to be a problem in adhan inconsistencies when different versions of the muezzin’s call to prayer is played by major…
Humanities Contemporary Theoretical Insights of the Qur’anic Stories: A Case… IslamPortal Jun 23, 2020 0 The glorious Qur'an is the everlasting miracle, the divine message and the words of Allah (SWT) as revealed by Prophet Muhammad…
Humanities Affiliations of Place, Race, Face and Faith in the Opening of… IslamPortal Jun 22, 2020 0 From a sociolinguistic as well as a pragmalinguistic perspective, this cognitive, small-scale study investigates the language…
Islamic Studies Al-Qur’an as a Remedy for Human Physical and Spiritual Illnesses, and… IslamPortal Jun 22, 2020 0 Al-Qur‟an is the only inimitable Divine Scripture revealed by Allah the Most High to His chosen and most beloved Prophet and…
Islamic Studies The Foundations of the Unity of Ummah in the Light of Holy Quran and Sunnah IslamPortal Jun 22, 2020 0 The Holy Quran is such a book of rectitude and instructions which has immersed itself the complete intellect for the human…
Islamic Studies Qur’anic War against Hunger for Sustainable Development IslamPortal Jun 22, 2020 0 Food is necessary for every living creature to sustain and enjoy his life. This is why food security becomes a matter of concern…
Humanities Reflection on the Epistemic Foundations of Good Ending (GE) and the… IslamPortal Jun 22, 2020 0 One of the most sublime and aspirations of believers is to achieve to good ending (GE). According to Holy Quran teachings, one of…
Humanities Grant of a Supplication in Quran -A Systems thinking Perspective IslamPortal Jun 22, 2020 0 The purpose of this article is to present, based on the verses from the Holy Quran, a systems thinking perspective for the grant…
Islamic Studies Adolescent Metacognitive Knowledge during the Quran Memorization Process IslamPortal Jun 22, 2020 0 There are number of researches have studied the experience on Quran memorization, but there are only small number of studies that…
Humanities The Interfaith Dimension of Some Recent English Translations of the Quran:… IslamPortal Jun 22, 2020 0 This paper first provides a critical, historical survey of the English translations of the Quran, namely, those by Alexander Ross…