The word sūr’ah is used for different chapters of the Holy Qur’ān. There is difference among the Arab and Scholars of language and philology about the terminology of the word sūr’ah. According to some people, it is Mehmuz-ul-Aaīn i.e., it is originated from سأر .The word sūr’ah means the remaining part as if the Sūr’ah...Read More
Inflectional morphology has its own rules that govern the combinations ofmorphemes in words and the relationships between parts of speech within a text.Yet, inflection rules including those of number can vary across different linguisticsystems. Arabic and English notably contrast in number-based relations. Morespecifically and within Arabic itself, the Qur’an displays striking cases of numberdisagreement between...Read More
The concepts of individual and collective worship are common in the Torah andQuran. They are not empty rituals but a source of social reformation. Theexamination and analysis of how rituals of worship lead to the formation of ahealthy society is the purpose of this article.Thearticlealso attempts to highlight thesimilarities inherent in the Law of Moses...Read More
Holy Qur’an as a divine book, includes at its core, significant training for guiding thehuman being. It is an absolute prescription which considers all aspects of human lifeand precepts pertaining to this world and hereafter. One of these importanttrainings is about the essence of peaceful coexistence in Holy Qur’an. The aim ofthis study is to...Read More
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