
Islamic Studies
The relationship between the material intellect and the active intellect is an important issue in the realm of epistemology in Islamic philosophy. The aim of the present study is to compare the views of Averroes and Al-Farabi in this regard. Reviewing their theories, this study shows that both the mentioned philosophers agree upon the fact...
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This article aims to introduce the life and contribution of Sa‘īdNursī in reviving the belief and practice of Islam among Muslim society in Turkey. Throughout his life, Sa‘īdNursīencountered a number of challenges, notably ignorance, misconception and negligence about Islam as a result of secularism which became apparent in modern societyin Turkey in particular and accordingly...
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There are various methods used to determine the arrival of Ramadan (fasting) and Syawal in South East Asia. Malaysia and Indonesia use the rukyah (sighting of the moon) and hisab (mathematical calculations), Singapore uses the hisab while Brunei only uses the rukyah method. These differences are due to the different basis for using a certain...
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Sufi believes that the Qur’an has exoteric and esoteric meanings. He tries to renounce the exoteric meaning of the Qur’anin order to perceive the esoteric meaning. Abd al-Razzaq Kashani is one of those interpreters who, in mystical interpretation, goes beyond the exoteric meaning of the verses of the Qur’an and interprets the verses esoterically (Ta’wil)...
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