Holy Qur’an as a divine book, includes at its core, significant training for guiding thehuman being. It is an absolute prescription which considers all aspects of human lifeand precepts pertaining to this world and hereafter. One of these importanttrainings is about the essence of peaceful coexistence in Holy Qur’an. The aim ofthis study is to...Read More
No doubt the achievement to understand the depth of meaning and toperceive the mystery of cosmos is possible only by linking the law andmysticism and making them united. By passing the superficial layer of law, wewill real to the bottom of mysticism sweetness of mysticism is united byacerbity of law and to achieve this sweetness...Read More
Religion is a matter of faith. Faith in one unseen, invisible, and omnipotent God orit many be a faith in many gods and goddesses having a particular shape and genderplaced in a particular clean and pious place, capable of being moved from one placeto another. History shows that polytheism and idol worship had been in...Read More
Synonymy is one of the issues which has application in the discussions of “Fiquh”principles, Ration, “Fiquh-allogha” and “Elmo-delalah”. The scientists of Quranscience also reconciled it with words in Quran. They have created a science named“synonymy in Quran”. The present study investigates the meaning of “Barkat” andits derivations and also synonymous words like “Reba”, “Ziyadah”, and...Read More
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