
Islamic Studies
This paper is an attempt to study the scholars‟ network of Mandailing Ulama with those of Haramayn in the mid-19thand early 20thcentury. Employing the content analysis methodthe research finds thatthe Mandailing scholars had made an intellectual encounterwith the scholars in Haramayn, even some of theestablished networks with Egyptian and Indian scholars. The Mandailing scholars connotethose...
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The landscape of the Indonesian public sphere—amidst the rise of new media—has opened both opportunities and threats dealing with Islamic teaching. Thiscondition shapes a danger for the two largest of moderate Muslim Organisations(Muhammadiyah and Nahdatul Ulama/NU), in which they do not engage muchof the development of the digital platform. Consequently, dealing with religiousissues, they become...
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The word sūr’ah is used for different chapters of the Holy Qur’ān. There is difference among the Arab and Scholars of language and philology about the terminology of the word sūr’ah. According to some people, it is Mehmuz-ul-Aaīn i.e., it is originated from سأر .The word sūr’ah means the remaining part as if the Sūr’ah...
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This paper utilizes a content study to clarify the concepts and relationship between sharicah, tariqah, haqiqah, and marifah by Wan Sulaiman b. Wan Siddik, a Malay Sufi scholar in 19th in the Malay world. He clarifies these four terminologies in his epistle Mizan al-uqala’ wa al-udaba’ due to many misconceptions about this matter by his...
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