Book Criminal Liability of Vehicle Drivers islam portal Feb 12, 2024 0 “Criminal Liability of Vehicle Drivers” written by Ismail Aghababaei , a faculty member of the Islamic Sciences and Culture…
Humanities The Relation between Law and Islamic Mysticism IslamPortal Jun 23, 2020 0 No doubt the achievement to understand the depth of meaning and toperceive the mystery of cosmos is possible only by linking the…
Humanities Fatwa as a Non-State Legal System: A Critical Analysis from the Perspective… IslamPortal Jun 23, 2020 0 The present paper gives a critic of the task of issuing Fatwa as a non-state legalsystem in Pakistan which in fact means…
Humanities Blasphemy law of Islam-Misconceptions and Fallacy IslamPortal Jun 23, 2020 0 Right of respect is a prime need of every one but this can be fulfilled when each and every person will take this responsibility…
Humanities Sharia Law In Nigeria: Can A Selective Imposition Of Islamic Law Work In… IslamPortal Jun 23, 2020 0 Originally, the radical Islamic movement in the Northern Nigeria was thought to be as a result of their poor socioeconomic…
Economics The Significance of the ISLAMIC Law (Shari’a) Supervison of the Islamic… IslamPortal Jun 23, 2020 0 The financial transactions are among the major dealings introduced by the Islamic law or ( shari’a), presented with strong rules…
Economics The Nature of Property, Its Valuation and Intellectual Property Rights in… IslamPortal Jun 23, 2020 0 The importance of intellectual property in the modern world goes far beyond the protection of the creations of the mind. It…
Humanities ‘Islamic Law between Originality and Renewal’: Yūsuf al-Qaraḍāwī’s Theory… IslamPortal Jun 23, 2020 0 The Sunni Muslim scholar, Mufti and preacher, Yūsuf al-Qaraḍāwī (b. 1926), is one of the most prominent Muslim figures and…
Humanities Islamic Brand: A Conceptual Definition of Brand from Islamic Perspective IslamPortal Jun 22, 2020 0 This article involves the construction of Islamic brand definition. The accuracy of explaining the definition of Islamic brand…
Humanities Who Speaks for Islamic Family Law? Debates on Islamic Law Compilation (KHI)… IslamPortal Jun 22, 2020 0 This article discusses a debate within the formulation of Islamic Family Law in Indonesia, especially the various figures behind.…
Humanities The Notion of Balwā al-Ām (Public Affliction) and its Implementation in… IslamPortal Jun 22, 2020 0 Providing easiness for servants is one of the principles of Islamic jurisprudence and Muslim jurists resort to it whenever…
Humanities The Islamic Perspective of Ethical and Legal Rights of Psychiatric Patients IslamPortal Jun 22, 2020 0 Islam dates back for more than 1,441 years and Muslims constitute approximately 23% of the world‟s population and serve as a…
Islamic Studies Checks and Balances Mechanism in Islamic Constitutionalism: A Critical… IslamPortal Jun 22, 2020 0 This article examines the issue of mechanism of controlling the power balance amongst three arms of the government (separation of…
Humanities Medical Errors and Physicians Liability between Islamic Regulations and Law IslamPortal Jun 22, 2020 0 This research aims at defining medical errors and the working physician’s liability about them. Is this liability related to the…
Economics Interest-Free Treasury Bonds (IFTB): Islamic Finance and Legal… IslamPortal Jun 22, 2020 0 Purpose:Althoughthe treasury bill is the essential monetary instrument in central bankingoperations, its application in Islamic…
Humanities Women Rights to Inheritance in Muslim Family Law: An Analytical Study IslamPortal Jun 22, 2020 0 Rights of women areone of the widely discussed yet debatable issues across the Western and Muslim world. It is seen in the Muslim…
Humanities Book Review: Domestic Violence and the Islamic Tradition: Ethics, Law, and… IslamPortal Jun 19, 2020 0 The polyvalent Qur’anic text lends itself to multiple interpretations, dependingupon one’s presuppositions and premises. In fact,…
Humanities Book Review: The Sharī‘a and Islamic Criminal Justice in Time of war and… IslamPortal Jun 19, 2020 0 Mahmoud Cherif Bassiouni is a distinguished human rights advocate with anastounding career and publication record that exceeds…
Humanities Book Review: The Formation of Islamic Hermeneutics: How Sunni Legal… IslamPortal Jun 17, 2020 0 David Vishanoff’s The Formation of Islamic Hermeneutics is a significantcontribution to the study of Islamic legal theory and…
Humanities Book Review: Gender and Equality in Muslim Family Law, Justice, and Ethics… IslamPortal Jun 17, 2020 0 In the aftermath of the Arab Spring, some advocated a turn toward “tradition,”thereby raising fears that women would be pushed…