a comparative study of government in naini and motahhari political thought
- Sharif Lakzaee, Bahman Zarei
Journal: Political Science, Volume 24, Issue 95, Serial Number 95, March 2021, Pages 117-140
The aim of the present study is a comparative study of government in Naini and Motahhari political thought. The main question is how to explain the commonalities and differences between Naini and Motahhari political thought about government by referring to the conditions prevailing during the constitutional period and the Islamic Revolution? For this reason, with Skinner’s contextual hermeneutic method, it was shown that there is no difference of opinion between the two thinkers. Both believe in the divine and popular legitimacy of the jurist during the absence of the Infallible Imam, and his role in society is the role of an ideologist and his duty is to monitor the correct implementation of ideology in Islamic society. Naini, because of his presence in the reformist atmosphere, with a positive and interactive view and using the hidden capacities in Shiite jurisprudence, wanted to reform the process of governing and not to dismantle it; But Motahhari, because of his position in the revolutionary atmosphere created by Marxism, sought to form an Islamic government with his own views by using the Shiite intellectual capacities and looking negatively and critically at its components, by ideologizing religion