Islam Portal

Governance in the Quran and Sunnah

Aims and Scope

  1. Introducing the theoretical foundations of Islamic governance.
  2. Expanding the scope of research on the aspects of governance in the Quran and Sunnah.
  3. Documenting and disseminating Islamic thought from Muslim thinkers.
  4. Meeting contemporary objective needs in the Islamic world based on Islamic governance studies.
  5. Critiquing and analyzing different theories and schools of thought in the field of governance.
  6. Providing an appropriate environment for the exchange of ideas and academic collaboration among researchers in the area of Islamic governance studies.
ISSN  Online ISSN: 2981-1783
Coverage Scope
Language Arabic; including English abstract
Start Year 2023
Frequency Quarterly
Editor-in-Chief Najaf Lakzai
Director-in-Charge Najaf Lakzai
Place of Publication Iran, Qom
Publisher Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy
Status Active
Refereed Yes
Peer Review Type Double Blind Peer Review
Primary Review Time  10 days, approximately.
Acceptance and Publication Time 12 weeks
Manuscript Acceptance Rate 20%
Reference Style APA Style
ORCID iDs The ORCID identifier is required.
Type of Material Serial (Periodical)
Type of Access Open Access (OA)
OA Policies The journal adheres to DOAJ‘s definition of open access.
Type of License Creative Commons — Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)
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