Ritual of Divine Revelation Evolutionary Theory of Political Philosophy in Explaining Revelation and Its Relation to Government and Law
Author: AhmadReza Yazdani Moqadam
Journal: Political Sciences
The present study seeks to provide a new answer to a fundamental question within the framework of the tradition of Islamic political philosophy, which is how to use and deduce revelation in different historical-civilizational and cultural conditions and requirements? The claim of the research is that the Prophet, like a mirror, receives the divine rational truths through divine revelation and presents them to the people. Due to the fact that the Prophet’s noble soul is a mirror in receiving divine revelation and the role of the mirror in representing the received truths, the Prophet has conveyed the received truths to the people in accordance with cultural, civilizational, social and … conditions. Thus, in case of transferring the revelation of the Prophet to new conditions, the inference of divine commandments requires contemplation, reason and ijtihad. This analysis can be called the ritual theory of revelation. According to this theory, the truth of the human soul, which is his eloquence, receives revelation. The general rational truths mentioned above become partial truths during the inner process of the Prophet. The main achievement of the ritual theory of revelation is the rationality of religion and the possibility of rationality in that it has its consequences in the relationship between religion and political philosophy, religion and politics, analysis of religion and law, philosophy of legislation and legislation, characteristics and duties of government and government, ultimate goals. Shows the law and how to interpret the revelatory text.