Islam Portal

Content Weighing the Narrations of Presenting to the Quran with an Emphasis on the Opinion of Mohaqeq Naini

Authors: Mohammad Sadeq Yousofi Moqadam, Seyyed Mohsen Aal-Nabi*


Among the various criteria that have been taken into consideration by the scholars of fundamental science to refine the hadiths, the most reliable way is to present the hadiths based on the Holy Quran. Because, the Qur’an is the word of God and the source of all righteousness. And on the other hand, the content of the narrations is the necessity of comparing the narrations with the Quran. Since the meanings of presenting narrations are different and sometimes multi-faceted, the present research seeks to investigate the question of how the meaning of presenting narrations can be interpreted from the perspective of Mohaqeq Naini, and what is the difference between it and other perspectives? The problem of the present research with the descriptive-analytical method and the collection of information in the form of a library, such as priority of Quran, the semantics of the presenting narrations and allocation or non-allocation to the conflict, has been investigated, the method and “the perspective of believing that peresentation narrations is an external and reality case” From Naini’s point of view, is preferred. This point of view answers the major problems in the science of the principles regarding the contents of the narrations and the contradictions of the hadiths and the Holy Qur’an.



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