Diversity and civilization in Islamic thought
Author: Habibullah Babaei
The ambiguity of the essence of civilization is rooted in the macrocosm of civilization, on the one hand, and many confusions in the use of the words civilization and culture in the West, and many errors in the use of the words “civilization” and “modernization” in today’s Islamic world. The theoretical and research delays of Muslims in civilization studies and the rawness of ideas in Islamizing and Islamizing civilization have created double ambiguities in civilization researches in the Islamic world. However, many thinkers of the Islamic world have tried to return to the greatness of the past civilization, or the foundation of the new Islamic civilization. These intellectual and sometimes cultural and political efforts in the Islamic world have been formed with different goals and from different starting points. One of the important points of departure in the emergence of the civilizational thought of Muslims was the confrontation with the western civilization and the search for a solution for the backwardness of the Islamic world from the development of the western civilization…