The demise of moderate Islam: new media, contestation, and reclaiming religious authorities
The landscape of the Indonesian public sphere—amidst the rise of new media—
has opened both opportunities and threats dealing with Islamic teaching. This
condition shapes a danger for the two largest of moderate Muslim Organisations
(Muhammadiyah and Nahdatul Ulama/NU), in which they do not engage much
of the development of the digital platform. Consequently, dealing with religious
issues, they become voiceless. By employing desk research with some relevant
references and collecting information from social media, specifically Instagram
and Youtube, this article examines the role of the Islamic organization of moderate
Islam in the rapid digital platform as the new public sphere. The article finds
that they have differences in responding to dealing with the presence of the new
religious authorities. In comparison, while Muhammadiyah is more accepting of
them calmly, NU is more reactively in responding.
Source: Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies