Comparative Study between the Principle of Professional Confidentiality in Social Work and Islamic Moral Teachings
Problem Statement: Privacy is one of the accepted rules of professional social work that
affect how the relationship between social worker and client, social worker providing
individual interests, social interests, as well as references. Religious teachings also
emphasized the necessity of secrecy, revealing the secrets of the deadly sins committed,
the punishment has been deserved hereafter.
Method: This article is the results of a study to gather information, reading books and
articles related to the valid and search Internet resources are used.
Results: The findings suggest that the social work profession, a professional social
worker confidante, he/she’s privacy framework within which it can maintain or disclose a
secret, confidential and professional people to take action , as well as sources reveal the
secret and sacred religious texts known as practical. However, the actual gains and
losses to follow God’s commandments, which is the subject of religious references to the
need for privacy; there are exceptions which are placed in two general categories:1) The
validity of others’ privacy disclosure. 2) The validity of self-disclosure confidentiality.
Results: The results of this study indicate that the extent and depth of the topic of Islamic
ethics, on the one hand it seems necessary to Privacy Principles of Islamic Ethics degree
in social work practice social work students be taught to learners and confidentiality in
their professional practice to be institutionalized and the other with a positive attitude
among the general public than others to keep secret, to increase the level of trust and
social capital in the community.
Source: Journal of Islamic Studies and Culture
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