Similarity in the Philosophy of Worship in Torah and Quran
The concepts of individual and collective worship are common in the Torah and
Quran. They are not empty rituals but a source of social reformation. The
examination and analysis of how rituals of worship lead to the formation of a
healthy society is the purpose of this article.Thearticlealso attempts to highlight the
similarities inherent in the Law of Moses and Islamic Law. The basic fundamentals
of religion and preaching of all messengers, from Adam to Prophet Mohammad
(P.B.U.H), are essentially similar in nature.Thoughmany different Sharia’s were
revealed and many declared redundant and changed, religion did not change. Hence,
though the religious beliefs of all messengers were identical, the Sharia (revealed
law) and mode of worship varied. Yet, all prophets were Muslims because the
religion of all is one, and this Oneness is reflected in the similarities in the teachings
present in all revealed books.
Source: Journal of Islamic Studies and Culture
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