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A Comparative Study of Modern and Traditional Concept of Iǧtihād

In present day, Muslim Umma has been polarized into two groups; traditionalist and
modernists. Both, standing on their own ideology, are absolutely refuting each other.
In this research, the search question is that is either Iǧtihād said to the addition to
Qurʾān and Sunna, modification and amendment in or pursuing Šarīʿa rulings from
the depths and vastness of Qurʾān and Sunna? Traditionalist point of view is that
whenever any new issue is raised about which there is no clear solution or ruling
present in Šarīʿa, then to derive the solution from the depths and vastness of Qurʾān
and Ḥadīṯ is called Iǧtihād. Hence, the common idea of both classical and present
day traditionalist is that Iǧtihād is said to pursue of Šarīʿa rulings about a newly
raised issue into the light of Qurʾān and Sunna whereas according to Modernists׳
theory of Iǧtihād addition, amendment, modification and reformation of Islamic
Šarīʿa is allowed.

Source: Journal of Islamic Studies and Culture

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