Islam Portal

Investigating Synonymy in Quran; a Case Study of the Word Barakat (Blessing)

Synonymy is one of the issues which has application in the discussions of “Fiquh”
principles, Ration, “Fiquh-allogha” and “Elmo-delalah”. The scientists of Quran
science also reconciled it with words in Quran. They have created a science named
“synonymy in Quran”. The present study investigates the meaning of “Barkat” and
its derivations and also synonymous words like “Reba”, “Ziyadah”, and “khayr”,
which were used in Quran Verses. The present study tried to bring one or more
related Quran verses which have the same issue with “Barkat” to find their semantic
relationship with the word Barkat through comparison. Ultimately, it is found that
due to the shade of difference in the meaning(s) of the words with the word
“Barkat”, perfect synonymy in the context of Quran is not possible; consequently,
these words fail to be appropriate substitutes for the word Barkat because of the
exact meaning in verses in which this word was used.

Source: Journal of Islamic Studies and Culture

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