Islam Portal

The Effect of the Muhadithins’ Methodologies in Writing the Prophetic Biography (PB)

All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and peace and blessings be upon the best of His Prophets and Messengers, the Prophet Muhammad and his family and Companions and those who followed him truthfully until the Day of Judgment. Writing the prophetic biography (PB) is essentially the job of the historians as they were the first to take interest in writing the prophetic biography (PB) as an integrated work. This was done either as a dedicated work like that of Ibn Hisham, Ibn Is’haq, Al-Halabi and others; or as a part of historic encyclopedias like those of Al Tabari, Ibn Al Atheer, Ibn Kuthair, Al-Mas’udi, Al Yaqubi, and others. The Muhaddithin have left on impact on highlighting some of the chief points in the prophetic biography (PB).

Source: Journal of Islamic Studies and Culture

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