Narrower Concept(s)
- Inheritance of usury
- Doubtful estate inheritance
- Inheritance from the fetus
- Inherited from Abd
- Inheritance from the stolen
- Inheritance from Mahdomin
- captive inheritance
- Inheritance of principles
- Inheritance of paternal kin
- Maternal kin inheritance
- Imam’s legacy
- The legacy of the Imamiyyah
- Presumptive inheritance
- Inheritance by consanguinity
- Inheritance by kinship and assumption
- Inheritance
- inheritance right
- Fetal inheritance
- Marginal inheritance
- special inheritance
- Inheritance
- Child inheritance
- A wise inheritance
- common heritage
- absent inheritance
- Assassin’s Legacy
- unbeliever’s inheritance (entitlement)
- Reference inheritance
- Muslim heritage
- Mu’tazila legacy
- Inheritance
- Ain’s legacy
- Inheritance of benefits
- The legacy of Manfus
- The negative inheritance of Imamate
- Inheritance of an unlikely heir
- Inheritance of the murderer’s heirs
- genealogical inheritance
- Man’s heritage is intertwined
- Abd’s legacy
- Inheritance to assets
- Inheritance to Vala
- Neutral inheritance
- mother’s legacy
- Ancient heritage
- Inheritance of murderous dead
- Inheritance of the heir of two bodies
- Inheritance of permission to sell
- Inheritance of the next of kin
- Anthropomorphic legacy
- Inheritance of spouses
- woman’s inheritance
- the inheritance of the man
- Inheritance from dowry
Related Concept(s)