The rules of congregational prayer
Broader Concept(s)
Narrower Concept(s)
- Imitation(Follow)
- Union of places of congregational prayer
- Azan for congregational prayer
- The reference of the imam of the congregation
- Mamoum’s hint
- Istiazeh of the Imam of the congregation
- Mamom’s replacement
- The difference between Imam and Mamum
- Absences of zikr mamum prayer
- Akhfat by the imam of the congregation
- Unity for Imam and Mamum
- Mistakes of Mamum’s reading
- Perception of congregational prayer
- Isthilaf Mamom
- Welcoming the imam of the congregation
- Restoring prayer to the congregation
- Restoration of congregational prayer
- Declaring the immorality of the imam of the congregation
- The guidance of the Imam of the congregation
- Listening to the imam’s recitation
- The difference in the Qibla of the congregational prayer
- The salary of the Imam of the congregation
- Confidence in the justice of the Imam of the congregation
- Etiquette of congregational prayer
- The name of the imam of the congregation
- Postponing the congregational prayer
- Artzak Imam of the congregation
- performing congregational prayers
- Imam Ratb’s permission