Broader Concept(s)
Narrower Concept(s)
- Wasting on purpose is important
- Loss due to wrongdoing
- Waste of wine container
- Loss in exchange for dispossession
- Loss of war booty
- Non-exhaustive waste
- Loss of sacrifice
- A waste of dignity
- Waste of garden property
- Loss of insured property
- Loss of dhimmi property
- Loss of protective equipment
- Apostate waste
- Borrowed waste
- Maghsoob waste
- Bankrupt waste
- Waste of gambling equipment
- Waste of crushed materials
- Waste of estate
- Waste of gold container
- Waste of silverware
- A waste of time on cucumbers
- Waste of catch eggs
- Wasting property before Hajj
- Zakat loss
- Waste of impurities
- A confused waste
- Waste of stray books
- Waste of worship buildings
- Loss of the place of employment
- stupid waste
- animal loss
- Waste of word owners
- Naim’s waste
- Donor waste
- Loss in contract
- Waste of dead clothes
- Loss of sperm after implantation
- child loss
- Loss of human embryos
- wasting time
- Waste of other’s property
- Owner’s loss
- Ectopic egg loss
- Waste to gambling
- Waste of money
- Loss of interest
- Loss of employees
- Infidel waste
- Desperate waste
- Abominable waste
- The loss of a deceived person
- Crazy waste
- Mandatory waste
Related Concept(s)