Peace Dimension in the Sirah of Prophet Muhammad (SAAS) With Special Reference to Battle of Badr
Sirah or the life of Prophet Muhammad (SAAS) is a subject of great importance for Muslim scholarship as well as for the common man. It is the main and the ultimate source of guidance for the Muslims. It stands as a bridge between ancient times and the modern age. The study of Sirah is not merely the study of life of a man but it is the study of mankind as a whole. Islam is the cradle of love and affection, peace and security. Its teachings are overwhelmed with humanity and welfare. Quran asserts repeatedly for the protection of human life and property, it commands: “…Do not mischief on the earth, after it has been set in order” (7:56). Protecting human life and property is obligated on every human being. This manifesto covers the establishment of world peace and invites to a balanced system. The practical lesson of this balanced system is found in the Sirah of the Prophet. The whole life of Prophet Muhammad (SAAS) starting from his birth till last day is an example of this manifestation. The purpose of sacred war in Islam is to establish peace. Though Islam acknowledges these realities, Islam Prohibits war, but allows only for the purposes if beneficial to humanity. This is absolutely clear because Islam follows the word fighting with the phrase “In the cause of Allah”. Furthermore, during the course of combat a Muslim does not allowed to transgress, corrupt, destroy or steal; nor they allowed to kill women, children or elderly person; nor does he follow a deserter, kill an injured person or mutilate a dead person: neither does he mistreat a prisoner or a man of religion, nor intend to strike anyone on the face. The paper, in its context, examine and highlight the peace dimension in the battles of Prophet Muhammad (SAAS) and the main focus of this paper will be on the battle of Badr.
Source: World Journal of Islamic History and Civilization
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