Islam Portal

Role of Women in Sustaining a Taqwa Based Society: an Islamic Perspective

Women, as men, are equally important for a smooth and balanced persistence of the human society. Women play a significant role in shaping the form of a society. The capacities, mind-set, behavioural patterns and conduct displayed by a woman have a considerable impact on a society. From the Islamic point of view, man and woman are complementary to each other. Both have their respective roles to play while living in a society. A balanced society cannot be established while negating the roles or status of any part of the complementary unit. As is witnessed in the current-day world, material needs are preferred over spiritual, selfishness over selflessness, individualism over collectivism, profane over sacred and so on and this has turned the humanity into a chaotic and confusing state at individual as well as collective levels or in short imbalance prevails. Both men and women have their respective spheres of influence in a society and their actions, behavioural patterns and overall way of living have a great influence and imprint on the society as a whole. A humane, balanced and peaceful society cannot be achieved in absence of Taqwa in the individuals. A woman with Taqwa is equally indispensable as a man (with Taqwa) is, in establishing such a society. That is why Islam urges both the genders to live and sustain with Taqwa (piety) so that the construction of a Taqwa based society can be materialised. Such a society nourishes the environment of right action and belief, justice, peace, harmony and prosperity barring any intrusion of ill-will, immorality, injustice and violence. Keeping in consideration, the relevance and significance of the role played by women in such a society, the current paper, as a humble effort, will therefore bring to limelight the role of woman (in light of the Islamic sources especially the Qur’a n) in sustaining a Taqwa-Based society.

Source: World Journal of Islamic History and Civilization

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