Islam Portal

Halal E-Commerce Measure of Success: A Consideration of Sharia Compliance Business Practice

Halal e-commerce platforms are developed to address the loopholes in other e-commerce websites through compliant with Sharia requirement in products or services offered, payment gateways, warehouses and logistics management to ensure that products remain halal throughout the trading processes. The Sharia requirements in halal e-commerce include avoidance of riba, gharar, maysir and haram elements. This is a research in progress paper that is centred on information system success literature with aim to improve the online business practice that comply with Islamic law or Sharia’ in the context of halal e-commerce operations. Thus, based on DeLone and McLean Information System Success Model, this study proposed a conceptual framework of Sharia compliant e-commerce practice that would be used to measure the success or effectiveness of halal e-commerce platforms. Even though previous literatures have validated the model in other conventional e-commerce, this study adopt the Sharia framework as a guide for Muslim consumers, vendors and other halal e-commerce stakeholders to ascertain the right platform to be used.

Source: World Journal of Islamic History and Civilization

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