Association of Algerian Muslim Scholarsbetween Reform and Political Action
We aim through this work to clarify the objectives and principles of the Association of Algerian Muslim Scholars, which was founded in 1931 in Algeria as an extension of the movement of Jamal Edin AlAfghani and Mohammed Abdou in the Arab Machreq. And, especially to, clarify the big difference winning among historians about the activity of the reform movement between reformist and political action. For that reason, we have to ask a set of questions:1-Whatisthenatureofthe reform movementin Algeriabetween who givesit its rights and who denyits allactivityrelatedtonationalpolicy?2 – What is the reformmovementand what are its roots?3-Whatisthenatureofthe programofworkofthe association? Does itcontainpoliticalplans? 4-What is the contributionof the Associationinthenationalmovementandthe Algerian Revolutionof the firstNovember1954?
Source: World Journal of Islamic History and Civilization
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