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A Study of Da’wah Activities of Late Shaykh Musa Ibrahim Ajagbemokeferi in Ekitiland of South Western Nigeria

This study seeks to study the da’wah activities of Shaykh Musa Ibrahim Ajagbemokeferi so as to highlight his roles and his contributions to the development of Islam in Ekitiland and national. It also focuses on his biographical account, educational contribution, da‘wah activities, his encounter with traditional idol religionists, his scholarly contributions to the development of Islam, as well as his impact on the people of Ekitiland and its environs. In terms of methodology, both field and archival materials were explored. However, the major information was sourced from oral and written sources. The study revealed that, the role played by Shaykh Musa Ibrahim Ajagbemokeferi can not be ignored in any research conducted on Islam in Ekitiland and its environs. He observed that the way the non-Muslims in Ekitiland needed to be reformed. He therefore started preaching the message of Islam couple with jihad and he became popular for his erudition among the Muslim inhabitants of Ekiti. He did not limit his preaching to the four walls of Ekiti, he also reached the neighbouring towns, villages and states. He had adherents from these places and he established (Zumuratul Mumin in the areas. He faced persecutions from the traditional worshippers, within and outside Ekitiland, but he survived them. He also kept the banner of Islam flying to all nooks and crannies of Ekitiland in particular and Yorubaland in general. He waged war against idol worshipping and syncretism, he was able to convince several people to his side. He had several clashes with non-Muslims throughout Yorubaland as a result of his oppositions to paganism, syncretism and falsehood. His Islamic school has reshaped the life of many Nigerians from the abyss of lawlessness.

Source: World Journal of Islamic History and Civilization

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