Disintegration of Iranian National Front: Causes and Motives
National Front was a unique self-motivated political process whose main goal was considered as observing Iranians certain rights, manipulating free elections and preventing foreign forces from their negative influence on national benefit and interests and running regulations. This front was formed in 1949 by the leader of Dr. Mosaddeq. It was the most significant front against dictatorship and colonialism.1949 until 1979 the National Front was formed within four periods of times. The causes of National Front frustration can be accounted as weakness of organization and ideology, mistakes made by its leadership and different branches with the National Front. What were the reasons that National Front leaders could not pursue the same aim and it failed to form a coherent party? And it could not unite the political parties, unions, national communities and social groups? Why did not they learn anything from Mosaddeq’s failure and after 25 years, Bakhtiar experienced the same failure? The main purpose of this paper will be introducing the National Front’s leaders and their aims and that all these leaders followed the same route to achieve the countries benefits. Through a variety of mottos, Shah, U.S and Britain were not eager to give the National Front the power. Moreover, they were soon suppressed in a short time when they took the power. The National Front failure was not a sort of historical incident which would be considered as algebraic. Nevertheless, it was the event that could be avoided while following a proper ideology and suitable leadership. The main reason of its failure was due to some ambiguities in its ideology. Iranian’s struggle to get freedom and democracy will not be put to the end. In each course of time, it renewed its power and manifested itself with more intensity and extent. Mosaddeq has shown us how to struggle for freedom and democracy and after him Bakhtiar continued this struggle with a courageous resistance against creating a new dictatorship and their idea and wishes are still going on.
Source: World Journal of Islamic History and Civilization
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