Islam Portal

Renewal of Islamic Law According to Jaringan Islam Liberal of Indonesia: A Reflection from Qawaidu ‘Uquli Al-ijtima’iyah

The movement of thought in Islamic Law is continuously developing in line with the development of human reason. That is why there is no space to authorize and legitimate the classical ideas and traditional of Islamic schools of law that some times covered by syncretic traditions while the ideas starting intermingled with the existed local cultures of a nation. The danger is while the traditional Islam forces the authoritarianism of the application of the ideas in the contemporary time. Jaringan Islam Liberal (Islam Liberal Network), in Indonesia, tries to promote a new paradigm of understanding of Islamic sources purely based on rational and sociological perspectives. Though they are dreaming of making liberal Islam as a school for Muslims, in its development, Jaringan Islam Liberal is only a discourse in which its function does not have any significant influence on the majority of the Indonesian Muslims. Instead, it has caused rejection and hatred. Actually, the case is not because Jaringan Islam Liberal is free to use their logic while interpreting Islamic sources but it is because Jaringan Islam Liberal totally disregards classical fuqoha’s views which for traditionalists have turned into Islamic law itself.

Source: World Journal of Islamic History and Civilization

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