In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
The subject under discussion is the knowledge of the Principles of
Jurisprudence (Usul’ul Fiqh). The study of Principles of Jurisprudence is
tantamount to a preparation to the study of Jurisprudence.
The knowledge about the Principles of Jurisprudence is more profound
than the knowledge of Jurisprudence itself. The relationship between the
study of Jurisprudence and its Principles is the same as it is between the
study of Logic and Philosophy.
For example, everybody knows that the price of a certain commodity
shows an upward trend while that of another remains static. This knowledge is superficial but the knowledge as to why the prices show an upward trend is a deep-rooted knowledge. The Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet gives us precise commandments and edicts to adhere to the teachings of Islam in every walk of life; but all of these commandments
have not been explained in detail.
It has been so because events and situations pertaining to relevant human
activity and behavior vary; but to arrive at conclusions regarding various
general rules and regulations, a guideline in the form of principles has no
doubt been laid down.
Source: Islamic Seminary Publications