Prophetic medicine is the cheapest, safest and the best remedy in the prevention and treatment of hypertension (high blood pressure) – a mini review
Prophetic medicine or Medicine of the Prophet (peace be upon him) comprises the divinely inspired words of therapy of Prophet Muhammad (peace is upon him). The Prophet (pbuh) did not speak a single lie in his lifetime. He made specific statements on 37 ailments and 61 medicinal plants, herbs and shrubs while making prescriptions for the sick people, out of which Nigella sativa is the most important for healing. Therefore, although the Prophet’s arrival was not as a physician or pharmacist he was inspired by Allah (God) to make nearly 1000 statements on healing for the benefits of humankind, because, man needs to remain well, free from sickness to fulfill his brief mission on earth. However, it is amazing that not a single statement of the Prophet (pbuh) is found to be contradictory to the basic principles of modern medical science. The Qur’an says, “He does not speak anything of his own desire. It is only a Revelation revealed”. So, traditions of the Prophet (pbuh) on healing are also true, and modern science has proved it through research after 14 centuries. About Nigella sativa (black seed) Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrates that the Prophet (pbuh) said: “Hold on (use this seed regularly)! Because it is a remedy (cure) for every disease except death.”
Source: International Journal of Molecular Biology
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