To writ e abou t Sufism , o r Islami c mysticism, is an almost impossible task. At th e first step , a wide mountain rang e ap – pears before the eye—and the longer the seeker pursues the path, the more difficult i t seems to reach any goal at all. He may dwell i n th e rose gardens of Persian mystical poetry or try to reach the ic y peaks of theosophi c speculations; he may dwell in th e lowland s of popular sain t worshi p o r driv e hi s came l throug h th e endles s desert s of theoretica l discourse s about th e natur e o f Sufism , o f God , an d of th e world; o r he may be content t o have an all-aroun d glimps e of th e landscape , enjoying the beaut y o f some of the highes t peaks bathed i n th e sunligh t o f early morning, o r colore d b y th e viole t haze o f a cool evening . I n an y case , only th e elec t fe w will reac h the farthest mountain o n whic h the mythica l bird, Simurgh , live s —to understand tha t the y have reache d onl y wha t wa s already i n themselves.
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