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Heart’s Life with God Al-Maʿrifa bi-llāh (Knowledge of God) in al-Qushayrī’s al Risāla al-Qushayriyya

There can be no better way to obtain a good idea of the concept of knowledge among Sufis in the fifth century AH than a careful inquiry into the writings of Abū al-Qāsim ʿAbd alKarīm b. Hawāzin al-QUSHAYRĪ (d. 465/1072), the author of the Risāla fī ʿilm al-taṣawwuf (Epistle on Sufism), one of the most important works ever written on the subject, also known as al-Risāla al-Qushayriyya.

Souece: Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies

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