Both the Qur’an and the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (Hadith) frequently mention animals. The Qur’an declares that God does not shy away from drawing comparisons, even with a gnat, and two of the Suras (chapters) are indeed named after insects: the ant and the bee. The Qur’an speaks of animals being ‘communities like yourselves’, a phenomenon Western zoologists now study more fully and document in film and scientific reports. Animals and humans all share in the bounty of God’s creation. One of the Prophet’s followers was surprised to hear him urge kindness to animals and state that people would be rewarded for it, so it seems that animal rights were not widely recognised at the time. Even when killing animals for food, Muslims are instructed to treat them with kindness and consideration and do the deed well, ever mindful that they are God’s creatures. It is not just a question of whether stunning kills the animal or not, but whether it is a kindness to the animals or not. In fact the Prophet himself ate very little meat.

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