Islamic Mysticism and the Paradigm of Fitrah
It is expected that in the contemporary world, the amount of desperate need and great optimism could be reasonably considered in order to clarify, for example, how important and relevant theoretical Islamic Mysticism is to the contemporary world? Could Sufism be useful to deal with problems of today’s humanity? And how can the establishment of Islamic Mysticism be explained in non-technical terms? That will be the subject of this paper – to consider factors such as exclusiveness and extremism, suspected potentially as the main obstacles in an effort to materialize the noble doctrines of Theoretical Mysticism, to actualize them into people’s day-to-day life and to manifest the values of haqiqa as the essence of their lifestyle in such a way that thay provide the vast opportunities for their accessibility and achievement of haqiqa, at least through two introductory questions: for what and for whom Theoretical Mysticism is. To theoretically introduce the mystical experience through an approach of innate love was prioritized here as an initial pace to unearth the real possibility of founding a new paradigm based on fitrah through the efforts of extracting mystics theoretical teachings from the scope of exclusiveness in such a way that they are accessible to inclusive human being by two phases: to back into the main line, namely, the principle of knowing the self, and secondly, to probe so deep into the nucleus of this principle so as to reach fitrah as an inexhaustibly rich source of human perfection in order to take the first step, to convoy the spiritual itinerary and to finally have the divine vision of the Truth.
Source: Kom
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