
The concepts of individual and collective worship are common in the Torah andQuran. They are not empty rituals but a source of social reformation. Theexamination and analysis of how rituals of worship lead to the formation of ahealthy society is the purpose of this article.Thearticlealso attempts to highlight thesimilarities inherent in the Law of Moses...
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Holy Qur’an as a divine book, includes at its core, significant training for guiding thehuman being. It is an absolute prescription which considers all aspects of human lifeand precepts pertaining to this world and hereafter. One of these importanttrainings is about the essence of peaceful coexistence in Holy Qur’an. The aim ofthis study is to...
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One of common moods in Ibrahimian religions is the existence of a survivor at theend of world that we will be evident of ascendency of righteous people governmentin the world. By surveying sources of heavenly religions in relation to commonsymbols and signs of arriving time of this great event, we find out that one ofcommon...
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The study of Islam, interpreting it as well as production of specialized literature ondifferent aspects of it by Christian religious functionaries as a means of evangelizingMuslims goes back to the days of John of Damascus (676 – 749 A.D), it became anorganized missionary endeavour at the Council of Vienna in 1312 A.D when 5university chairs...
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